Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Road Trip

And... She's off! Sort of.

by Elisheva Offenbacher on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 5:00pm

Leave it to me to show up, stupid for sleep, during night audit. Some of you will see the irony in that, others won't even know what the hell a night audit even is. Either way, it means there's 20 minutes before I can check in to what might be called a "quaint inn" that I've yet to get into. I know I said no hotels but this has been an exceptional day, which was tackled on a mere 4 hours sleep the night before.

I've earned the bed I'll sleep in tonight/this morning, even if it's the only one I see for the next 3 days. Irony of ironies, this is the same place I stayed years ago with my family...maybe tomorrow morning/afternoon I'll go visit the Pink Poodle and get her to make me some bacon & eggs...ok, that was the give away, wasn't it? Clearly, I am delirious.

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