Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Embryonic Stem Cells...Funding Cures

$2.5 million for UW Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Med.

by Elisheva Offenbacher on Friday, January 26, 2007 at 4:39pm

Bill and Marilyn Conner of Kirkland, Washington gave $1.5 million, and Michael and Linda Mastro of Medina, Washington gave $1 million to the University of Washington's Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Thursday. Both couples wanted to affect change that would benefit society and felt that investing in potentially life-saving medical progress was the way to do it. Given the Bush administrations continued moratorium on embryonic stem cell research, without such investments, this research would not be possible in the US.

As you'd probably assume, the University of Washington is a state school (albeit, one of the best.) This has, however, complicated the school's ability to fund stem cell research given the governments specific outlines prohibiting the use of federal funds (the majority of UW expendible budget) in ANY capacity toward this particular field of research. That means, if so much as a pair of federally subsidised lab gloves was used in the process of doing said research, all University federal funding could be rescinded. Without the intervention of benefactors, top students, physicians and scientists would be vulnerable for recruitment elsewhere, most likely to organizations and schools that are able to fund this cutting edge field, many in other countries altogether; hindering not only Washington's competitiveness, but that of the Us as well, on the world stage. But, thanks to the benevolence of the above mentioned families, research can continue, at least for now.

$2.5 million may sound like a lot of money, and it certainly is to most of us, but when it comes to research on this level, it's going to take a great deal more than $2.5 million to keep doing the job. If you consider some of the most complex medical issues and conditions facing Americans, conditions conjured up will likely include....Cancer, ALS, Juvenile Diabetes, Tay Sachs, Batten's, Muscular Dystrohpy, Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Cord Injury and/or partial paralysis, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Scleroderma. The list could go on and on and on. Embryonic Stem Cells have the capacity to teach us about cellular differentiation and disease development. It will have such an extreme effect on the world of medicine that it will hopefully leave it unrecognizable. No one is interested in mad science and cloning "babies"...there are moratoriums worldwide that prevent such crimes of science fiction. Those are scare tactics strategised by groups who benefit from the status quo. All that's wanted by those doing this work is to develop ways to treat and prevent disease and Embryonic Stem Cells are the ace card.

Do your part, please, and support those who support Stem Cell Research. You never know, it may benefit your own life one day. For more information:

In the US:


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