Monday, January 24, 2011

You Know You're In Texas When...

12. Street signs direct you to church.

11. You measure driving distance in time rather than miles...

10. You're driving on the interstate and the speed limit is 70 mph, you're in the fast lane driving 80, and people are passing you IN THE SLOW LANE. (AKA: Stay off the road - there are no speed limits.)

9. You no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water.

8. You're only ever offered 5 seasonings: salt, pepper, Ranch dressing, Tabasco, and ketchup.

7. Every soda is called "Coke", regardless brand, flavour or colour.

6. You see more Texan flags than American.

5. You can make a U-turn ANYWHERE you want... regardless what the signs say.

4. The newschannel lists "church closures" on a snow day.

3. You use "fix" as a verb. And, "y'all" to indicate the singular. (The plural is apparently "all y'all".)

2.  Texas has two political leanings: Conservative and Austin

1. The homeless people have bilingual signs.

I've also heard something about heat but haven't experienced it myself yet...

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